In Memory of Memory
In today's In Memory of Memory, family history and biographical elements intertwine with aspects of public memory and collective responsibility.
Directed by Inês Nascimento Rodrigues, sound editing by José Gomes and graphic image by Márcio de Carvalho. The songs in this episode are original by Xullaji for the shows FANUN RUIN and O Riso dos Necrófágos (courtesy of the artists). Indicator: voice by Rui Cruzeiro and original music by XEXA.
Interview with Zia Soares
by Mariana Oliveira
Mariana Oliveira welcomes at #TEATRA Zia Soares, actress and director, who recently created the show 'Pérola sem rapariga / Pearl Without a Girl', together with the writer Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida, as part of D. Maria II Theater 's National Odyssey.
The conversation with Mariana Oliveira starts with the construction of this show and travels to the beginning of Zia Soares' career, going through her relationship with dance, the founding of Teatro Griot and some of the shows that marked her journey.
RTCP Conference
Portalegre Performing Arts Center
Moderator: Clara Antunes (Artemrede)
What do we think about when we associate participation and cultural programming?
Involve the community in the cultural proposal of a theater and a territory. Discuss the starting point, the path we propose and the necessary commitment to get there.
Myths, mythologies, fiction and identity
With Zia Soares and Luís Trindade
Moderation: Tiago Bartolomeu Costa
Partnership Commemorative Commission for the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April, National Theater and Dance Museum
Era o que faltava
Rádio Comercial
Conversation between Rui Maria Pêgo, Ana Martins and Zia Soares
Memory and Oblivion, Transgression, Language, Intersectional Spaces and the Other are structuring concepts of the company, which premieres on the 20th at Culturgest a show with a great title to say on the radio: O Riso dos Necrófagos / The Laughter of the Scavengers.
“The world I live in is still out of adjustment because I am a woman, because I am a black woman and then because I am an artist. All these accumulations within me make the world in which I live even more maladjusted, because being black in a white country is a very particular condition, and being a black woman is an even more particular condition, and being a black woman, artist, director of a theater company is a really particular situation”, says Zia Soares.
To Be Abyss
by Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida
São Luiz Theater Magazine nº4
January - March 2022
And if so? If Zia's black body contains what she saw and experienced on stage and as a spectator, in the position of reader and performer, if her body, her skin, flesh, movement and spirit are a living and restless vault of what she saw and celebrated and learned on stage, in the audience, in life? And if that's the case of each of the black performers whose history doesn't tell, if each of their bodies is a walking archive of this unwritten history?
"It is in the gaping space of history that I am interested in creating"
Interview with Zia Soares
by Matadi Makola
Jornadas 40 anos de Teatro
Painel 4 - As Minorias e o Teatro
Com Flávio Hamilton, Zia Soares, Marta Lança, Francesca Negro, Vanesa Sotelo e Maria João Vaz
About love and prejudice
6pm - Conversations with the Public
With Cláudia Lucas Chéu, Zia Soares
Moderation: Manuel Halpern
Which Rite Between Life And Death?
Raquel Lima, Zia Soares [ONLINE]
Zia Soares, actress, director and artistic director of Teatro Griot, and Raquel Lima artist and researcher discuss matters arising from O Riso dos Necrófagos. How do bodies express themselves within a cast as diverse as the one in this show? What role does Teatro Griot play in the dawn of a new theatre, one which is co-created but not hostage of a script? How may the company’s journey reshape the artists’ and ‘public’s perceptions so that they might embrace these tensions?
Transoceanic Conversations
5pm (Brasília) 9pm (Portugal)
Mediation: Gonçalo Amorim (Portugal)
Opening speech: Guilherme Reis (Cena Contemporânea) and Alexandra Pinho (Camões - Portuguese Cultural Center in Brasília)
A dialogue about Brazil's cultural relationship with Portugal and Portuguese-speaking African countries from a poetic and artistic perspective. The meeting proposes a debate between the artists and will develop between history, limits, cures, contemporary and the Portuguese language, stimulating cultural and poetic reflections on the present, past and future of these relationships.
The place of bones: science, art and the legacies of colonial violence
Speakers: Bruno Sena Martins, Zia Soares, Reddy Wilson Lima and Patrícia Ferraz de Matos
In this context, the roundtable "The Place of the Bones" aims to think, on the one hand, about the historical role of the University as a support and repository of the structures of colonial violence and racial discrimination. On the other hand, it intends to look at the horizons of possibility for a decolonisation of knowledge that, by combining art and science, confronts today the imperatives of historical justice and dignity of racialised populations.
Organisers: UPEA-CES, Teatro Griot and Doctoral Programme "Human Rights in Contemporary Societies"
Panaphrotopias: Afro Contemporary Practices Of Emancipatory Imagination; Theater, Music And Martial Arts
With Felwine Sarr, Marcus Veiga aka Scúru Fitchadú, Zia Soares
Mediation: Nina Vigon Manso
Ways of Occupying
Fingers in the wound, hands in the culture
Curatorship and moderation by Pedro Santos Guerreiro
With Marta Martins, Paulo Brandão, Pedro Quintela, Rui Moreira, Teresa Coutinho, Zia Soares
Post-memory constellations in post-colonial europe
Culturgest | 04.11.2021 3.30pm
Moderation: Vitor Belanciano
Memoirs – Children of Empires and European Postmemories, a pioneering project in the development of research into the impact of colonial legacies on the following generations in Portugal, France and Belgium, is now presenting its results. The questioning of these legacies is diversifying the European debate, renewing European literature and art, museography and curatorship and strengthening and diversifying the forms of individual and collective intervention.