The woman dressed as a military heroine lives in the interleaving, sometimes simultaneously, sometimes solo, of digital and real-time performance, obsessed with the uninterrupted task of intervening with the metaphysics of the room.
         She builds geometries which move between trenches, branches and excavations, and that contest the exactness of the center. The center always reestablishes itself when it is impossible to grant barriers. It is in the continued friction of actions that the scene opens up, producing delirium: the woman becomes a homeland, a map, a lost territory whose cause must be defended.

        And violence appears.

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© António Castelo

Conception by Zia Soares com Neusa Trovoada
Performar by Zia Soares
Scenic space by Neusa Trovoada
Video co-creation by António Castelo
Produced by Sowing_arts
Supported by   Hangar